DXC is reinventing the workplace for employees working virtually, putting employee experience at the center of its modernization plans. Now, DXC's virtual first employees can work, connect and collaborate — seamlessly and securely — without disruption.

As with many other companies today, remote or virtual work has become a way of life for DXC Technology employees. But the company knew that simply providing its 130,000 employees in 70 countries with laptops, internet access and basic help desk services was not enough. Instead, DXC has reinvented its workplace with a singular goal in mind: deliver a personalized and modern workplace experience that empowers employees to connect, collaborate and work seamlessly and securely on any device, anytime and anywhere.

An engaging employee experience: Greater productivity and satisfaction

DXC’s new employee experience redefines the way people work, leverages the best technology and gives employees an engaging environment that helps drive productivity and satisfaction. “The experience you have as an employee — interacting with your technology, how you use it, what tools you have available, how you get those tools, how fixes are handled, if the technology works right — all of those things are really a key part of your experience and your ability to be productive, now more so than ever,” says Chris Drumgoole, DXC’s chief operating officer.

As a virtual first company, more than 90 percent of DXC employees work from home. Drumgoole has therefore set a high bar to provide an employee experience that models what people currently enjoy with their consumer devices. That’s because if a virtual employee’s PC suddenly goes down, work can’t get done.

Also, there are now younger, more tech savvy workers who expect technology to work at near-perfect reliability. “DXC understands that happy people equal happy customers, and that one of the requirements for happy employees is a great technology experience,” Drumgoole says.

That means giving employees the ability to order personalized devices, pre‑configured with the necessary imaging and software, security and other services they need to do their jobs.

When a device is delivered — within days, not weeks — everything works, hassle-free, so employees can focus on the work, not on IT.

“Today, your Xbox and your Apple iPhone both work right out of the box. We want our employees’ workplace experience to be just as good. So, when an employee orders a new laptop, [the user interface] walks you through an easy setup, and everything just works within minutes,” says Drumgoole.

The modern workplace: Putting employees at the center

With DXC serving as Customer One, Drumgoole and DXC’s Mike McDaniel, president, Modern Workplace, worked together to inform and enhance DXC’s Modern  Workplace, providing a centralized, one-stop shop to help employees access the services they need, when they need them. They gathered feedback from DXC employees and also gained valuable input by meeting with several of DXC’s Platinum customers that use our Modern Workplaces services, all of them large,  complex organizations facing similar business challenges.

Powered by Microsoft 365 and Azure, DXC’s cloud-based solution grows with customers’ unique needs as their workplace and cloud strategies evolve and their businesses transform. Microsoft’s cloud-based services not only enhance delivery of a virtual, in-person or hybrid workplace, they also enable data capture and analytics that facilitate better decision-making.

Modern Workplace also addresses a pain point DXC shares with many other large organizations: managing disparate platforms and myriad devices spread across the globe. By centralizing services, disparate systems are integrated into one solution that offers a consolidated view of the workplace and makes it easier to manage tools and assets and deliver services to employees.

Value delivered

90% +
As a virtual-first company, more than 90% of DXC employees work from home

Increased automation and self-service capabilities relieve the burden on IT — saving valuable time, resources and cost.

DXC focused on integrating three key capabilities into Modern Workplace:

  • Online, consumer-like marketplace that offers employees familiar and easy ways to get the tools they need
  • Simplified and enhanced self‑service that eliminates cumbersome approvals and delays
  • Tools to capture feedback, reviews and recommendations that assess employee satisfaction and inform a knowledge base to create a next‑level, personalized experience

The ongoing assessments at DXC represent a real shift toward measuring employee satisfaction, in the same way customer satisfaction is measured using a Net Promoter Score (NPS).

The DXC solution’s marketplace also provides real-time updates. For example, after reviewing the options for a device refresh or new device, the employee can add an item to their cart and place the order, then receive notifications as the request goes through approval cycles and onto delivery.

At the same time, Modern Workplace houses a self-service knowledge center where employees can find the information they need to solve common IT-related issues themselves, without having to contact IT support.

Delivering excellence creates an engaged, connected workforce. By creating a personalized experience, Modern Workplace helps employees be more productive, engaged and connected, wherever their work gets done.

A personalized dashboard available to employees, managers and IT staff provides access to millions of data points on service delivery and employee sentiment, for a level of insight that is unheard of in most large global organizations.

For DXC’s Chief Human Resources Officer Mary Finch, who is focused on employee well-being and job satisfaction, it is critical that the global company have a platform that improves the workforce’s experience and reduces friction.

“Workfront’s 2021 State of Work report shows that 49% of the U.S. workforce would leave their job because they can’t get the tools, technologies and support they need to get their job done,” Finch says. “DXC Modern Workplace gives us better insight into how employees feel about their technology and their workplace. We analyze the information we gather about the employee experience. This, combined with operational data — for example, the number of tickets opened up against technology and the service desk’s ability to resolve the issue in a timely manner — lets us surface significantly better data and insights and take action as needed.”

Furthermore, by consolidating disparate services under a single modern platform, DXC expects to realize greater efficiencies and boost employee satisfaction overall. Just a few months after it started piloting the Modern Workplace solution with a subset of employees, DXC has already raised its internal NPS by 27 points.

Better intelligence and visibility to manage assets through a single dashboard allows us to spot issues and quickly address them. 

Chris Drumgoole Chief Operating Officer, DXC Technology

The score should continue to rise as DXC rolls out new capabilities and expands the deployment. “We are on the right trajectory, and our expectation is to have scores on par with the NPS scores of leading consumer brands,” says Drumgoole.

According to Drumgoole, simplifying the operational environment architecture makes it easier to leverage and manage investments in technology across the ecosystem in an integrated way.

“Another benefit is better intelligence and visibility to manage assets through a single dashboard to view all workplace services,” he says. “This provides real oversight of the estate at any given time, and allows us to spot issues and quickly address them.”

As DXC continues on its workplace journey, McDaniel is working closely with Drumgoole and Finch to continuously improve the level of service focused on the employee experience and the long-term needs of DXC’s people and its business.

DXC also plans to add augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) capabilities that will enable immersive collaboration. AR/VR will enable DXC’s employees to virtually meet for social engagements, company-wide events, career programs and sales conferences, among other immersive experiences.

“Make no mistake, if I could get a better solution elsewhere I would,” adds Drumgoole. “But I am extremely lucky to work for a company that is not only a workplace services leader, but believes in treating employees the way we treat customers. And that’s by delivering excellence.”